First Snow Show Calls For Efficient Home Heating

When we were small, in the middle of the last century – wow that feels odd saying that – I can remember seriously bad winters.  We would have days and days of very cold icy weather, and then it would warm up a tiny bit for a day or so and then wham, down came the snow.  I can clearly remember year on year, the snow would be big flakes, fascinating watching it out of the very cold windows we had!  None of the double or triple glazed upvc windows and replacement doors of recent years.  A regular caller at every house was Jack Frost.  He used to creep around covering those cold single glazed windows with thick frost and icicles that would dangle off the window sills, outside and quite often, inside aswell.

None of the efficiencies that are available today were even thought of for domestic properties – gosh how things have improved in just over half a century.