Multi Fuel Burners Feature Highly In Home Refurbishment Schemes

Of all the interior decorating and refurbishment schemes available and marketed today, the ones that shout out at us from the miriad of glossy Home and Style magazines mostly concern themselves with energy efficiency, big time.  There are so many ways of heating up the house now, no longer are we looking for exciting new grate combinations and log baskets to bring a thrill to the new lounge.  No, we make our choice from several hundred types of log burners.  And there lies another tale, they are not just logs being burnt here;  when you delve into the descriptive paragraph, you’ll find that they can be multi fuel, duel fuel, solid fuel.  Oh and some are just oil.  How things have changed – for the better, obviously.

The very best thing is to contact a Property and Interior Design agent.  What they don’t know about energy efficient fuel burner is probably not worth worrying about.