Tapping In On Inside Knowledge

The house up the road is being completely gutted, refurbished and lots of energy efficient ideas being included.  It is a similar model to my own, a comfortable executive designed 4 bedroomed detached, with integral double garage.  The houses seemed wonderfully modern and efficient to us all when we moved in some years ago.  No one was having ideas about solar panels then.  In fact the only solar panels we knew about were portable ones that geeky folk took away camping, to help keep the leisure battery on trickle feed!

These days though, houses are rated by energy useage and all the estate agents keep a log of the registered rating that is listed with the community charge information.  The newer the house, the better the rating .  For the sake of our grand children we know we have to become more efficient.  it’s just knowing how. Egaging professionals in the business can help a great deal to get our own efficiency under way.