The Wonder Land Of Wood

This time of year brings peace and serenity to my heart – in a weird windswept and rainy fashion.  Perhaps because I am definitely an autumn birthday person, this has some bizarre hold over my mind, telling me that trees and woodlad look fantastic when just turning to ‘fall’ colours.   Having spent some time on holiday in an area famous for just such a happening, very colurful change in the trees – to the point where thousands of people troop around the areas. . . . .  it’s breathtaking and makes you appreciate Mother nature at her best.  Being able to use the trees as a valuable resource does sometimes seem cruel but we have to deforest at times to keep the flow of good trees going.  If we didn’t cut them down to airate the woodland, mould and stunted growth would inhibit all the good things about forestation.  Trees are wonderful – they’ve supplied us with shelter, warmth from fires, and in recent centuries, our wonderful furniture, front doors and house frames.  Wow!