Battling Down Our Home Running Costs

When we talk about home interiors it is usually the design, colour scheme or the furnishing ensemble that takes much of our interet.  We are bombarded by television and magazine advertising campaigns to visit this store or that and to have these windows or that furniture.  There are millions and millions of pounds spent every year to entice us to do a bit of updating and as a nation, we do tend to follow that urge.

What we tend not to do very often is to look long and hard at the efficiency of the houses we live in – how much is it costing to run the house.  There are the mandatory outgoings such as council tax, water rates, energy supplies, before we even open an eyelid each day.  The latter could be greatly reduced if we also engaged the services of efficient interior design and lighting specialists to help us get the best out of our homes for now and the future.