Looking After The Patio Set Pays Off

We have had some truly extraordinary weather this last couple of seasons.  Normally when winter has gone and we get the spring rush of brisk winds and sharp showers, we can then rely on the summer to be mostly dry and sunny.    If last summer is an indication of what’s to become the norm, then we could well do with taking better care of our outdoor furniture and effects.  Bright sun is fab – in moderation.  It does have a destructive side to it though and we need to check the seating on plastic or upvc chairs and benches.  The sun can literally destroy them but you may not realise until sitting down – with a crashing bump sometimes as it gives way.  Folding or stacking chairs after use, out of wind, rain and sun will help preserve them.  Wiping off residue of sun oil and drying them if rained on will also stop problem areas forming.