There are many problems throughout this vast world of ours – industrial strife and factories shutting down through lack of orders . . . . Youngsters starting to worry about what kind of planet they are inheriting. It’s very true that our generation has managed to wreck much of the planet in only a hundred years or so, after it had housed so many for a couple of thousand. How we manage the world’s resources is coming much more sharply into focus for everyone now. In the developing world, there is much destruction of rain forests and other former areas that had trees at the root of their cultivation. We all want furniture but we have to decide if the way we achieve that is fair on the rest of the world. Sustainable sources are words banded about frequently – oak furniture will be sustainable in that for every tree used, there can be hundreds of baby trees replacing it. But it does take hundreds of years to get to maturiry. Balancing and compromise are two more important words for us to contemplate.