Cure Sticking Garage Door – With New Electric Up & Over

Some things about home ownership can be inspiring and a welcome boost to the ego.  Then there are the times when it can just be jolly frustrating.  Take for example this week – I’ve had need to open the up and over garage door a few times.   I don’t like to leave the door up – there are lots of nice tools and garden implements to see and grab.  However, the general change in weather conditions has made the door stick and being a huge double affair, it’s hard to unstick – I have to really slam it hard towards the left side when I’m inside the garage.  It shifts a minute bit and unsticks from the wooden batten . . . .  How much nicer would it be to have a brand new electric up and over door that can be operated remotely from the car as I approach the drive – this is my new year’s treat to myself.