What do we mean by an efficient home interior – it can mean all kinds of things these days. I take it that the home has got serously good triple glazing in very modern frames – the latest version of what we used to know as upvc. They will be neat, completely sturdy but unobtrusive. Easy to operate but impossible for small fingers to negotiate. Then there is the size of the windows – in the 1970s and 1980s there was a massive move towards huge picture windows so that we could bring the garden inside, or just enjoy looking out on the world. Then after the 9172 6 days war in the middle east, those terrible fuel shortages caued massive power outage and a general mistrust of having to rely on oil as a main utility. Smaller, lightweight windows became the norm. Skylight windows that have self shaded glass went down a storm. You pays your money and takes your choice.